How do I manage my tribe in Tribeloo

Optimize collaboration in 'My Tribe' – assign favorites, delegates, and create custom groups with tags.

Written by Thomas Hauwaert
Updated over a week ago

In the "My Tribe" section, you can streamline collaboration by designating colleagues as favorites, delegates, or by creating custom groups using tags. These tags facilitate various functionalities, including colleague searches and group invitations.

  1. Accessing Settings

    Start by navigating to the top right corner of the screen and click on the dropdown icon, where you'll find the "Settings" option.

  2. "My Tribe" Tab

    In the Settings page, locate and select the "My Tribe" tab.

  3. Editing Your Tribe:

    • Favorites: Mark colleagues as favorites. Favorites are prioritized in colleague searches and "Who is Around" queries, ensuring you can easily identify when they're available.

    • Delegates: Designate colleagues as delegates. Delegates can switch profiles and manage resources on your behalf.

    • Creating Custom Tags: Establish custom tags to categorize your colleagues, simplifying collaboration on various projects. You can assign multiple tags to the same individuals. These tags are for your personal use, and other platform users won't see them.

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